
Problems anticipated are problems half-solved

Tré Morgan believes the more informed his clients are, the better equipped they’ll be to make decisions in their own best interest. For years, Tré has written frequently about the issues he encounters, providing his own interpretations or explanations when appropriate. If it concerns divorce, chances are Tré has written about it here. Read through for topics that feel relevant, then follow up by contacting us.

Recent posts

FAFSA, Student Aid, College Funding and Divorce

FAFSA, Student Aid, College Funding and Divorce

Paying for college is a common topic of conversation with my divorcing clients. Typically, if nothing else, divorcing parents can agree that they want their kids to go to college, and they want to financially support that in whatever way their situation allows.The...

Govern your separation agreement, or it will govern you.

Govern your separation agreement, or it will govern you.

No one knows what the future holds.  That includes (shockingly) attorneys, no matter what they tell you. That means that your divorce or family law negotiation will not cover everything that may come up in your life down the road.  Also, there is no perfect...

COVID Vaccination and Custody

COVID Vaccination and Custody

COVID has created issues for parents that we never imagined we'd have to face. The balance of being safe while not sacrificing too much of our children's lives is elusive and ephemeral. And, there are as many ways to strike that balance as there are children. These...

Issues With Non-Traditional Parenting Relationships

Issues With Non-Traditional Parenting Relationships

As society changes there are more "non-traditional" families, that is families are not husband, wife, and children all in the same home.  Historically, non-traditional familes were not a choice, but more a result.  But, more and more people are choosing to...

Are Equal Marriages Happier Marriages?

Are Equal Marriages Happier Marriages?

Every marriage is different because it involves two unique individuals.  So, there is no one size fits all way to create an enduring and happy marriage.   But, there may be general rules that we can all implement to help protect our marriages. ...

Turning Arguments into Problem Solving

Turning Arguments into Problem Solving

As a Collaborative Divorce attorney my day-to-day job is trying to turn arguments into conversations focused on problem solving issues. In a legal profession steeped in the adversarial model of conflict negotiation that sometimes feels counterculture. But the fact is...

Raiding your Retirement in Divorce

Raiding your Retirement in Divorce

In my last post, I set out 10 basic facts about retirement accounts in divorce in North Carolina. One of those tips mentioned the taxes and penalties that are incurred upon an early withdrawal of retirement funds. This article from Kiplingers...

Your 401k and Divorce: 10 Facts

Your 401k and Divorce: 10 Facts

One item that people frequently worry about most when they find out they are getting divorced is their 401k. The prospect of sharing their retirement savings, whether in a 401k, IRA, pension, or other retirement accounts can cause a lot of anxiety. I have always found...