The Danger of Premature Certainty in Divorce

I recently heard a reporter and author discuss his team’s process for determining which stories to pursue, and which ones to shelve. He said that in their process “premature certainty is the enemy.” I had never heard the term “premature...

How to Understand Your Lawyer in Context

I think my law school acceptance letter was probably a week old when I was given the gift of the first lawyer joke that was directed at me (no, I don’t remember it). It was an early lesson in how society perceives or misperceives lawyers.I didn’t know any...

Apps to Help Ease the Divorce Transition

Technology is making a lot of things easier these days. We have apps for almost everything, some more useful than others. One way apps can be very useful is in helping families handle the practical challenges of co-parenting during and after a divorce.   This article...

Legal Resolution v. Conflict Resolution

I expect that any experienced attorney, and especially any experienced divorce attorney, has experienced the difference between resolving the legal issues in a case and resolving the conflict in a case. There is a big difference.   There are many family law cases in...

Proxies in Negotiation

When involved in a divorce negotiation people frequently use terms of the negotiation as proxies for measuring deeper issues and needs that they are afraid to talk about.  For example, some clients see time with the kids as a proxy of how much they are valued as a...