Apps to Help Ease the Divorce Transition

Aug 6, 2019

Technology is making a lot of things easier these days. We have apps for almost everything, some more useful than others.

One way apps can be very useful is in helping families handle the practical challenges of co-parenting during and after a divorce.  

This article lists seven apps specifically, though I’m not endorsing any of them individually. They all have pros and cons and it usually is a matter of client preference and matching what the app does to what a particular family needs from it.

But, I have seen many cases in which finding a user-friendly system for communication, scheduling, and even financial coordination goes a long way towards easing the burden and tension in a divorce.  

Some clients use shared calendars, emails, phone calls, and texts. Some are overwhelmed by too much communication on too many platforms and need one app to capture it all for them. Collaborative clients are not generally worried about creating a record of communication, but other clients sometimes are and apps are a good way to do that in a way that is easier to introduce as evidence later.

These apps are also a good way to let other caretakers keep up with a busy family. These people include nannies, babysitters, step-parents, extended family, grandparents, etc… As a parent, I know that sometimes one small schedule change can generate a lot of different emails, texts, and phone calls to keep the people in the system on the same page. This usually becomes even more difficult when co-parenting from different homes.

I recommend that any parent going through a divorce investigate these apps and determine whether they can ease the burden for their family.  In a transition that is never easy, and sometimes quite difficult, every little bit helps.


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