What You Need to Know About the Divorce Industry

Jul 27, 2018

If you are facing a separation and divorce, and looking for legal counsel, then you need to be an educated consumer of legal services.  That means doing your research, meeting someone before you hire them, and understanding what kind of lawyer you are hiring and the processes by which that attorney is going to help you.

This helps protect you from a dynamic within the legal profession described by a colleague in a recent article as follows:

What does this mean? It means that more and more lawyers are competing for the same clients. This encourages lawyers in consults to bad mouth other lawyers and convince clients that they are superior and should be hired. It also encourages the starving lawyer to “churn” the case or to lead their clients down the more expensive and painful path of litigation rather than the often times superior (but less lucrative) choice to attempt to resolve a case. Finally, it encourages the lawyer to “show off” for their client in Court and in nasty emails and letters. (Whether it helps the case or not.)

Contrary to popular opinion, the majority of family law and divorce attorney are dignified, mature professionals who would not sacrifice their integrity to gain or keep a client, to make more money or to “win” a case.  But, all of those lawyers (and the judges) know colleagues that employ the tactics described above and ruin the reputation of the entire profession.

The problem is that you can’t know whether any particular attorney is going to lead you down this path without doing your homework.  So, be mindful of the dynamic described above and hire an attorney that you are confident is not going to drag you into it with them. If you are considering an attorney and hear them badmouth other lawyers or your spouse, or they aren’t willing to truly help you avoid litigation when appropriate, then give some thought to whether that attorney is right for you.

The reality is that many, if not most, expensive divorces feed off of anger and clients that cannot reign in their emotional behavior.  Certainly, complex legal questions and difficult situations play a part as well.  But, as a consumer of legal services, you need to be very intentional about whether you are hiring an attorney that will fan the flames of conflict and thereby increase the time and cost of your divorce or reduce the time and cost by dampening strong client emotions and focusing on problem-solving.

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