
Problems anticipated are problems half-solved

Tré Morgan believes the more informed his clients are, the better equipped they’ll be to make decisions in their own best interest. For years, Tré has written frequently about the issues he encounters, providing his own interpretations or explanations when appropriate. If it concerns divorce, chances are Tré has written about it here. Read through for topics that feel relevant, then follow up by contacting us.

Recent posts

Cost of Court is Rising in North Carolina

The cost of going to court in North Carolina has gone up as of July 1st. There are some significant changes to the costs of family law cases in particular.  The cost of filing a family law action is now $150.00.  Whereas the extension of a Summons used to be...

Fighting Well is a Key to a Good Divorce

Perhaps the most important skill that Collaborative Divorce attorneys provide and teach their clients is fighting well.   (Cue my wife raising an eyebrow). Actually, it’s not fighting.  It’s resolving disagreements and conflict between...

Has Divorce Lost Its Shimmer?

This recent article in the New York Times makes the case that women's views on divorce have changed over the last thirty years.   While women may have viewed divorce as liberating in the 70's, according to more recent research, it is now viewed as a failure....

Does Making Divorce Easier Protect Marriage?

I recently had a conversation with a Collaborative Divorce attorney in Rome, Italy (the internet is an amazing thing).  He told me that in Italy, a couple has to wait 5 years before a court will grant a divorce.    I was stunned, as even the longest...

Semi-Happy Marriage

There's a new book out about the "Semi-Happy Marriage".  As profiled on the Today Show this morning, Marriage Confidential explores the life of couples that are roughly satisfied with their marriage, but not ecstatic about it.   I cannot help but wonder what...

Divorcing? Learn From LeBron

In emotionally charged situation, its not so much what you do, but how you do it. Just ask LeBron James. One of my colleagues is a Cleveland native.  I never understood why the people in Cleveland hated James so much after he left.  After all, he had created...

The Ripple Effects of a Bad Divorce

Unlike almost all other kinds of cases, family law resolutions typically cannot involve a “clean break” between the spouses. Children, continuing financial payments and other continuing connections prevent most spouses from totally eliminating the other...

North Carolina Custody Case Makes Big News

North Carolina’s courts have made big news this week.  Durham County District Court Judge Nancy E. Gordon recently entered a child custody order based at least in part on the mother’s diagnosis of Stage IV breast cancer. As this segment from the Today...