Proof that Ugly Divorces are Bad for Your Health

Jul 28, 2009

I have been on my soapbox for a long time about the terrible and often hidden effects of ugly divorces. Now science is making my point for me. This Newsweek article explains how a divorce can affect a person’s health.

The case for collaborative law, mediation and other means of cooperatively resolving family law issues is made by the researcher’s conclusion that “‘anything we can do to help people mitigate the stress if they get divorced…’ would be like treating an acute illness.”

One of the most effective ways to lessen the stress in a divorce is to keep hostility to a minimum and work towards a reasonable legal resolution that allows both parties to move on in peace.

If divorce in general is like “an acute illness”, then you can imagine how bad an ugly divorce would be for your health. If that is not reason enough choose to resolve your family issues outside of court, then I don’t know what is.

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